In the book of Exodus 20:12 the Bible says “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee”– with this scripture in heart we at the Haven of Rest treat our seniors as our Mothers and Fathers.
Since it’s inception 19 years ago we have strived to respect and honour our precious seniors.
The Haven of Rest has been home to approximately 140 senior citizens. We have lost members that have been with us for many years. Although the families are usually responsible for funeral arrangements, many residents have specifically requested for their last rites to be performed at the Haven of Rest. Over the past year we have welcomed new members to the Seniors Department. A contributing factor to our Department is the importance of having a healthy lifestyle; we encourage our seniors to eat well, do some form of exercise, gardening, and interacting with others.
We are grateful to professional health workers/opticians’ who provide free lessons/tests’ on health related issues etc. We also acknowledge schools, various organisations, churches’ etc, that pamper our seniors with treats/meals’ on various occasions.
Renovations have also begun in the Department with new cupboards and upgraded ablution facilities. We want to take this opportunity to thank Pastors’ Ronnie and Shirley Naidoo for ensuring that the much needed renovations were completed and for their continued input and support.
The dedicated and loyal staff of this Department comprises of Miriam Ezra, Saras Pandaram and Alice Gumedeand I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their continuous support and a special mention goes to Pastor Joshua Ezra and Mr K. Moodley. Although all staff rally around to assist, a special thanks goes out to fellow senior citizens who guarantee that everyone is well cared for in the Department.
To the community of Tongaat and surrounding areas we appreciate all your support and contributions which are greatly welcomed and appreciated.
June Govender